Jarmans East Mersea Nursery map
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Jarmans East Mersea Nursery map in UK - More Information

Jarmans East Mersea Nursery map is usually open each year, in season for their crops. It's ALWAYS advised to call or email the farm before you head out to the farm to determine the crop availability, as many factors, such as weather, soil conditions and even market and economic conditions affect what they have and when. And that can change not only from year to year, but day to day!

Below is a general month by month overview for the northern hemisphere (North America and Europe. Be sure to see the UK-specific harvest calendar for local dates. Below is the general info, keep in mind this is very general, and , the South will be the earlier end, and the North, the latter:

  • March - April: Asparagus, Rhubarb
  • April-June: strawberries
  • June- July: cherries
  • June-August: blueberries, brambles, blackberries
  • July-September: aubergines, courgettes, peaches, figs, tomatoes, beans
  • July-October: raspberries
  • August - Figs, Fall raspberries start, early apples
  • September-October: apples and grapes
  • October: late apples, winter squash, Pumpkins
  • December: Christmas trees

Specific Fruit and Vegetable Picking and Preserving Guides and Recipes

After you go to Jarmans East Mersea Nursery map, you may want to freeze, bottle, can or preserve the fruit or vegetables you get there. See these pages below for detailed, illustrated, step-by-step instructions that make it easy!

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